Spark’s analytics feature has been designed with easy editing in mind. If you want to create a report that is very similar to an existing one, you may wish to clone the existing report and edit it instead of starting from scratch. Begin by clicking the micromenu (three dots) at the top right of the report you want to clone, then select Clone and Edit. This will bring you to the Report Creator.
Alternatively, edit an existing report without cloning it first by clicking the micromenu (three dots) at the top right of the report you want to edit, then select Edit. This will bring you to the Report Creator.
Note: if you are unsure of the changes you wish to make, Spark recommends cloning and editing the report, since any changes you do make are automatically saved. This way, you will have the original to refer back to if needed and can delete it once you are finished editing the clone.
Once you are on the Report Creator page, you can drag and drop new information into your report, rename columns, delete columns, change the report type, add filters, and more. Any changes you make are automatically saved, but feel free to click the Save button just to be sure!