Contact Overview

The Contacts Overview page provides an interactive summary of registrants, their ratings and recent activity for a convenient, at-a-glance snapshot of your project contacts.

Navigate to Menu → Contacts → Overview. The top portion of the page displays a graph of new registrants as well as the total number of contacts, purchasers, agents and registrants. Note that if a contact is manually added to Spark instead of being added via a registration form, they will not be part of this count. Therefore, the total registrants may not equal the total number of contacts. In addition to contact totals, this section also displays sales center traffic, contacts who have not been contacted and unassigned contacts. Click on any of these sections to view an actionable list of contacts in that category.






The Rating Breakdown section visually displays the number of contacts in each rating type. Click any rating to view an actionable list of contacts with that rating.






The last two widgets provide a snapshot of recent contact activity. Specifically, they provide a breakdown of the week’s contact activity (registrants, sales center traffic, interactions and notes) and recently added contacts.

For more detailed information about your contact database, click through the following articles:


Watch the Video Tutorial!