Contact Settings


To view your project’s contact settings, navigate to Settings → Contacts. There are four settings tabs: Ratings, Interactions, Standardized Fields and Registration Sources.


Contact Rating Settings

Contact ratings allow you to segment contacts by role, interest level, and more and can be customized for your project.

There are two default ratings that cannot be deleted, but their names can be updated to reflect your project terminology. The first rating is the default rating that is applied to incoming web registrants, and the second is assigned to those registrants who indicate they are an agent.

You can create as many additional ratings as your sales process requires by clicking either the + Active Rating or + Inactive Rating buttons. Active ratings are generally used for contacts that are actively interested in the project, while inactive ratings are used for contacts that are not interested, not qualified, etc. 

You can also customize the color associated with each by clicking the down arrow to the right of the rating and using the color picker and reorder the ratings list by using the hamburger icons to the left of each rating.

If you need to delete a rating, simply click the trash can icon to its right. 

Note: default ratings and any ratings that have been assigned to at least one contact cannot be deleted. Only additional ratings that are not assigned to any contacts can be deleted.

When you have created your project contact ratings or made the desired edits, click Update to save your changes.



Contact Interaction Settings

There are four interaction categories: Email, Phone, Sales Center and Meeting. Within these four categories, you can create as many interaction types as needed by clicking the + Type button in the category. For example, if your project tracks phone calls by recording calls in by a contact to a team member and calls out by a team member to a contact, you could create the interaction types “Call in” and “Call out” in the phone category.

To delete an interaction type, click the trash can icon to its right. 

Note: if interactions of a type are recorded in Spark, the interaction type cannot be deleted; only interaction types that have not been recorded for any contact can be deleted. Additionally, there must be at least one interaction type associated with each of the four categories.

When you have created your project interaction types or made the desired edits, click Update to save your changes.



Standardized Fields (Contacts)

Creating a standard additional field customizes the project’s contact fields so that the additional field name does not need to be entered manually each time you create a new record. For example, if you add a “Middle Name” standardized field for contacts, any time you add a new contact on Spark, the form will contain a Middle Name input.

To add a standardized field, simply type the field name in the appropriate section and click Save Changes.

Note: If you edit the name of a standardized field that is mapped on your documents, it is imperative that you notify the Spark team so that we can update your document mapping. If you do not, the field will not map properly on future documents.



Registration Sources

A Registration Source records how a registrant entered your database, whereas a Marketing Source reflects how they heard about your project.

There are five default registration source categories: Web, Sales Center, Social Media, Referral and Other. Within these categories, you can add as many sources as needed for your project. For example, if you have a registration form on your project website and another that is emailed to past purchasers, you could create the registration sources “website” and “email newsletter” in the Web category.

Note: if registrations from a particular source are recorded in Spark, the registration source cannot be deleted; only registration sources that have not been recorded for any contact can be deleted. Additionally, there must be at least one registration source associated with each of the five categories.

When you have created your project registration sources or made the desired edits, click Update to save your changes.



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