Just as marketing campaign statistics can be viewed on the Campaign page and RSVP email statistics on the RSVP page, the Contract Emails page displays draft and previously sent contract emails.
This article uses the phrase Contract Emails, but if your project uses the Reservations feature, you will see the phrase Transactional Emails instead.
Navigate to Menu → Emails → Contract Emails.
The Contract Emails page is a list of all sent and draft contract emails and displays the number of recipients (or the recipient name, if only one), the subject line, and either a notation that it is a draft or the sent date. Click on any of the drafts to edit them or any of the sent emails to view detailed delivery statistics.
To view an email as sent to a contact, select a recipient from the dropdown list and scroll to view the email. Any merge tags in the template are merged with the appropriate data for that contact.
To learn more about sending a contract email, click here.
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