Contract Signing Settings

If your project uses the Digital Contract feature, save time by choosing default signatories and setting a standard signing order. You can also choose a default group of signature settings to predetermine other, non-signatory recipients. To set signing defaults, navigate to Settings → Contracts and select the Signing tab.  


Note: The default people, signing preferences and signature request settings will prepopulate but can be adjusted on individual contracts in order to balance efficiency with the unique nature of each contract.



Setting Default Signatories & Signing Order

Begin by using the checkboxes to select the people to add to the default signatories. Once all of the desired people have been selected, click Add to Signatories. Next, use the hamburger icons to drag and drop people to the standard signing order. Finally, use the checkboxes to set the default signing experience for each person – either in person or by email. 

If documents require a signature by a verifier or team member, and if this will consistently be the same person, click Add Default Person. Choose either Contact or Team Member from the first dropdown list, then enter the email address or choose the team member. If a default person is not chosen, the verifier/team member must be chosen for each individual contract during the contract writing process.

Similarly, if documents will be consistently countersigned by the same person, you can also set this person as the default countersigner and choose their default signing experience. Select the appropriate contact or team member using the same process described above and use the checkboxes to choose a default signature (in person or by email).

Should a signatory need to be removed from the default signatories, click the trash can icon to the right.

When the default signatories and signing order is complete, click Save.



Signature Request Settings

Defaults can also be set to automatically send documents to certain non-signatory recipients, reducing the administrative burden on your team. Use the checkboxes to send a copy of both unsigned and signed documents to agents, lawyers or lenders (if they have been designated for a contract) and also to the project’s team members with a conveyancer role.

You can also set contracts to be automatically accepted once countersigned.



Watch the Video Tutorial!