Creating a New Request Form

To create a new request form, begin by going to Menu > Forms > List and clicking the + New Form button. Select Request from the drop down menu and click Create. This will direct you to the form’s page in Carpenter and open the form settings modal. 

There are a number of configuration options for each request form that will allow you to automatically log information for each new submission. See Request Form Settings for a detailed description of these options.


By default, a new request form contains a Purchaser Info section and an Agent & Brokerage Info section. The Purchaser Info section contains the following default fields: first name, last name, email, phone, date of birth, street, city, province/state, postcode/zip, and country. To edit which fields are presented in this section, hover in the section and click the Edit button that will appear at the top left of the section. Customize your fields and click Select to save your changes. The default form requires first and last names and email address to be completed in order to submit the form, but you can make other fields mandatory by clicking the asterisk above the desired field.

The Agent & Brokerage Info section contains a yes/no field for whether or not the Purchaser is working with an agent, and, if they are, the following fields: the agent’s first name, the agent’s last name, the agent’s email, and the agent’s brokerage. These fields are mandatory if the Purchaser is working with an agent. There are also other agent information fields available to add to this section by editing it in the manner described above.


Contact Files


Request forms also have the ability to collect files for each Purchaser/Agent. To create file submission fields, hover over either the Purchaser Info or Agent & Brokerage Info section and click the Edit button that will appear at the top left of that section. Scroll down to the Files section and click + File Section. Add a name that will display above each file widget on that section of the request form. For example, if you wanted to collect an image of the Purchaser’s ID, you could enter “Photo ID” to let the respondent know what to upload. Up to three files can be collected for each person on the request form.


The following additional sections are available to add to the request form:

Name Description

Spans the width of the form and provides space to add a banner image such as a project logo, rendering or header. Drag and drop the desired image file into the photo widget.


Spans the width of the form. Add a project description or any other information that might benefit respondents.

Purchaser Info

Purchaser contact information. Click to select which fields to include (must include first name, last name, and email). Once the section has been added to the form, you can choose which fields to make mandatory and toggle them to full or half width. You can also rearrange the order of the fields.

Agent & Brokerage Info

Agent and brokerage contact information. Click to select which fields to include (must include first name, last name, email, and brokerage). Once the section has been added to the form, you can choose which fields to make mandatory and toggle them to full or half width. You can also rearrange the order of the fields.

Floorplan Request

Use this section to allow respondents to select specific floorplans. 

You may choose to add filters to this section to only display floorplans with at least one unit in a particular status or group of statuses, specific floorplans, or a combination of these two filters. Selections between filter categories use AND logic, selections within a filter category use OR logic.

If no filters are added, all floorplans within the project will be displayed. 

Note: If there is an Inventory Request section on your request form, you are unable to add a Floorplan Request section.

Inventory Request

Use this section to allow respondents to select specific inventory units. 

You may choose to add filters to this section to only display units with a particular status or group of statuses, specific floorplans, or a combination of these two filters. Selections between filter categories use AND logic, selections within a filter category use OR logic.

If no filters are added, all units within the project will be displayed. 

Note: If there is a Floorplan Request section on your request form, you are unable to add an Inventory Request section.


Use this section to allow respondents to upload additional files not related to a specific contact, such as an image of a bank draft. Up to 3 files may be added to this section. Click + File Section and enter a name for each to indicate to respondents what should be uploaded.


Select the project questions to add to the form, or create a new one. You can rearrange the order of the questions once the section has been added to the form.

These questions will be recorded in the Q&A section of the Primary Purchaser’s profile.



Include this widget to leave an open text area for respondents to enter more information about themselves or their request. Their response will be added to the Primary Purchaser’s profile in Spark as a note.


Add a spacer section to add additional space between sections.


Once the desired sections have been added, the request form can be further customized by rearranging the sections or adjusting the default colors. Additionally, though the button is a required feature of the registration form, its appearance can be adjusted by clicking on it. Finally, the disclaimer, while also a required feature, can be edited by clicking on it. By default, the disclaimer will be the one that was created in the project’s email settings.


When the request form is complete, click the Preview button to see how the form displays on desktop and mobile devices.


Embed Options

There are a number of ways to embed your request form. To view these options on the Forms page, click the micromenu for the appropriate request form and select Embed Options. Alternatively, open the form in Carpenter and click Embed Options in the menu on the left.


URL or Link Embed Code

Respondents will be directed to the Spark-hosted request form page and will see the request form as it appears using the Preview button in Carpenter.


Iframe Embed Code

Similar to the option above, but respondents will not be directed to the Spark-hosted page. Instead, the form, along with the style and formatting determined in Carpenter, are embedded within an existing site, placing it within the context of the project's branding.


Custom Form Code

For the greatest range of flexibility, use the custom form code. This method requires you to send the raw code (which we provide) to your web developer to style entirely according to your specifications.