Email Sync Setup (Company Level)


If you are a Spark Administrator on the company level, you can find and edit your company’s email sync settings by going to Settings → Emails and navigating to the Email Sync tab.

Ignored Addresses


It is very important to determine which email addresses or domains should be ignored. For example, if a member of your staff exists in the database as a contact, all emails to their address will be synced on their profile and will be viewable by all team members with access to that profile, including any private or confidential emails.

Specifying ignored addresses at the company level ensures that these addresses will be ignored for all team members. At minimum, we encourage you to ignore addresses from your company (and project) domains, but you may also wish to ignore addresses from web developers, external marketing teams, and other professional contacts who may also be in your database.

These emails will still be available in the team member's inbox, but they will not be synced to the contact profile.

To specify ignored addresses or domains, navigate to Settings → Emails → Email Sync (from the company dashboard) and enter them in the Ignored Addresses section. Click Update to save your changes.



Enabling & Disabling Email Sync for Individual Users


For maximum security and versatility, the email sync feature is enabled on a per user basis. This means that you can determine which of your users should be able to sync their email to Spark.

To enable email sync for a particular user, navigate to Settings → Emails → Email Sync and toggle the switch beside their name on to green. To disable email sync for a user, toggle the switch off. Click Update to save your changes.


Note: By default, email sync is enabled for all users; if certain team members should not have the ability to sync email addresses to Spark, be sure to disable email sync for those users.


Once email sync has been enabled for a user, they will need to sync their email address(es) in their own account. See Adding an Email Integration for more information.


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