Inventory Settings


To view your project’s inventory settings, navigate to Settings → Inventory. There are two settings tabs: Statuses and Standardized Fields. If your project uses the reservations feature, you will also have a Reservations tab. For more information, see Revervations Settings. If your project uses the parking feature, you will also have three parking-related settings tabs: Parking Stalls, Parking Upgrades and Parking Statuses. For more information about these tabs, see Parking Settings.



Inventory Statuses

Inventory statuses allow you to track inventory in each stage of your sales process and can be customized for your project. There are a number of default inventory statuses that cannot be deleted, but their names can be updated to reflect your project terminology. They are as follows:



Status Description

Describes inventory with no associated active contract.


Describes inventory with an associated active contract that has not yet been sent for signatures.


Describes inventory with an associated active contract that has been sent for signatures or has passed the sent date.


Describes inventory with an associated active contract that all purchasers have signed or that has passed the offer date.

Multiple Offers

Describes inventory with multiple active contracts. Only present if the project permits multiple offers.

In Rescission

Describes inventory with an associated active contract that has passed the accepted date.


Describes inventory with an associated active contract that has passed the firm date.

Completed Describes inventory with an associated active contract that has passed the completion date.


If your project has Reservations enabled, the following default statuses will also be present:


Status Description
Courtesy Hold

Describes a temporary hold on an inventory unit.

Sales Rep Hold

Describes a temporary hold on an inventory unit and removes the unit from available inventory.

Multiple Reservations

Describes inventory with multiple active reservations.

Under Reservation Describes inventory with an active reservation.


If your project has Request Forms enabled, the following default statuses will also be present:


Status Description
Request Submitted

Indicates a potential buyer has submitted a request.

Request Accepted Indicates a request has been accepted.


As a unit moves through the sale process, these statuses are automatically updated as the inventory meets the status conditions; for example, sending a contract for signatures triggers the status to change from Prepping to Pending.


You can create as many additional statuses as your sales process requires by clicking the + Inventory Status button. For example, if units are being released for sale in groups, you could create an On Hold status to differentiate held units from those available for sale.


You can also customize the color associated with each inventory status by clicking the down arrow to the right of the rating and using the color picker to select a new color.


If you need to delete an inventory status, simply click the trash can icon to its right. 


Note: default statuses and any statuses that have been assigned to at least one inventory unit cannot be deleted. Only additional statuses that are not assigned to any inventory can be deleted.


When you have created your project inventory statuses or made the desired edits, click Update to save your changes.



Standardized Fields (Inventory)

Creating a standard additional field customizes the project’s inventory fields so that the additional field name does not need to be entered manually each time you create a new record. For example, if you add a Garage Type standardized field for contacts, any time you add a new contact on Spark, the form will contain a Garage Type input.


To add a standardized field, simply type the field name in the appropriate section and click Save Changes.


Note: If you edit the name of a standardized field that is mapped on your documents, it is imperative that you notify the Spark team so that we can update your document mapping. If you do not, the field will not map properly on future documents.



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