The Service Request Dashboard in Juniper allows you to group or ungroup warranty requests for better organization.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
By default, all service requests recorded during a walkthrough are consolidated into a single line item on the Service Request Dashboard. For instance, if Unit 506 recently completed their homeowner orientation, all service requests from that orientation will appear as one grouped entry.
Step 1: Ungroup Warranty Requests
- Navigate to the ‘Service Request Dashboard’.
- Click on the dropdown arrow to view each individual warranty request.
- Click on the rectangle icon to ungroup the group.
- A popup will confirm if you’d like to delete the group. Click ‘OK’ to proceed.
- And you will receive a prompt confirming once completed.
- Once ungrouped, each warranty request will appear as its own line item.
Step 2: Regroup Warranty Requests
- To regroup requests, use the checkboxes on the left side of your screen to select the individual requests.
- Click ‘Group’ at the top of the dashboard.
- You can either create a new group or add the requests to an existing group.
- You will be prompted to confirm.
- And you will receive a prompt confirming once completed.
By following these steps, you will efficiently manage your warranty requests, keeping your Service Request Dashboard organized and functional. This feature ensures flexibility in how service requests are displayed and grouped. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team.
Questions? Email us at and we’ll be happy to help!