Creating a New Contact


To create a new contact, navigate to Menu → Contacts →  New. Begin typing the contact’s name or email address in the search bar to determine whether the contact is already in the company or project  database. If they are, simply associate the contact to the project by clicking the Add (Contact Name) to (Project Name) button. 

If they are not in the database, click the Create New Contact button. The following sections and buttons are available by default, but certain customizations or alternate terminologies may apply to your project as well.



Section Description
Ratings & Tags

Select the contact’s rating from the dropdown list and toggle to apply the Agent or Legal tags if applicable.


General Information

Enter the contact’s name, email, phone number, birth date etc. Note: the legal name is the field that populates on contract documents; if a contact’s nickname or preferred name is different from their legal name, you can enter their preferred name in the first and last name fields for use in informal communications while preserving their legal name for contract documents and formal communications.



Use the search field to search for the contact’s address or manually enter it in the appropriate fields. Note: if you opt to use the search field, be sure to confirm that all of the filled information is correct before proceeding.


Contact Information

Enter alternative phone numbers or a fax number, if applicable.



Enter the contact’s employer and job title if this is information you collect.


Social Media

Enter the contact’s social media information, if applicable.



By default, the team member who enters the contact will be assigned to them. Add or remove assigned team members and add assigned agents or lawyers if applicable.


Follow-Up Schedule

If desired, select the appropriate follow-up schedule from the dropdown list.



Enter the registration source and marketing source, if applicable.


Additional Fields Enter any standardized fields if they have been created for your project, or create an individual additional field if it is necessary to record contact information that has no other place.



When all of the desired information is entered, click Create.

Answer any Q&As that are required for your project or for which you know the answer and click Save Questionnaire.



Watch the Video Tutorial!