Creating a New Email Campaign

Send marketing campaigns, track delivery and performance statistics and more using the email campaign feature.

To create a new email campaign, begin by navigating to Menu → Emails → Campaigns and clicking New Campaign.

Subject and Template

Refer to the table below for a description of the fields in this section.


Field Name Description
Campaign Name

The campaign name - an internal field that is not visible to email recipients.

Email Subject

The subject line that recipients see in their inbox.

From Email

The email address the campaign appears to be sent from. If any recipients reply to the campaign email, this is the address where replies are sent.

From Name

The person, team or project the campaign appears to be sent from. This may or may not be visible to recipients depending on their email client and settings.


A brief description of the campaign - an internal field that is not visible to email recipients.

Campaign Template

The email template to be sent to recipients. Choose an existing template from the dropdown list or click New Template to create a new template from scratch.


When the information is entered and the template is confirmed, click Next.



In this section, you will create the campaign recipient list. 


Included & Excluded Contacts


Contacts are included or excluded based on the following categories: Contacts with Contracts, Agents, Ratings, Groups, Tiers and Individual Contacts. You can also select all contacts in the project database or contacts who have explicitly opted in using Spark’s opt-in widget.

The ability to include or exclude contacts using the categories above allows you to create a highly customized recipient list for your campaign, especially if you have already created targeted groups. For example, perhaps you have created a group of contacts located in a city you wish to target – you could send the email to contacts in that city while excluding those contacts who already purchased a home at your project.


Additional Recipients


If you have email addresses for recipients who are not already Spark contacts, you can add them in the additional emails section. You may also choose to add any or all of the project’s team members if you would like them to receive the campaign email.

If you are using an invitation template that contains merge tags, these tags will not work in the emails received by team members or additional email recipients.

Once the recipient list is finalized, click Next. You will have the opportunity to review the recipients on the next page.



Confirm the subject line, sender email address, template and recipients. If you need to edit the subject line or sender email, click the pencil icon to the right of the category. You can preview the email template by clicking the eye icon. You can view the entire recipient list by clicking the list icon or edit it by clicking the pencil icon.

We recommend clicking the Send Test button to send a test email to yourself to confirm what the final email will look like for recipients and do a final check of the information.

Once you have confirmed that all of the information is correct and you are satisfied with the final email, you can either schedule the email send for a later day and/or time by clicking the Schedule button or send it immediately by clicking the Send button. Click here to learn more about email campaign statistics or see Email Campaign Tips for some considerations to help you maximize the impact of your campaign.


Watch the Video Tutorial!