Request Settings

To customize your request statuses and other request settings go to Settings → Inventory and navigate to the Requests tab.

Request statuses allow you to track each selection for each stage of the pre-contract process and can be customized for your project. These statuses cannot be deleted, but their names can be updated to reflect your project terminology. They are as follows:


Status Description

Describes a request that has been submitted.


Describes a request with a selection that has been accepted but that has not yet converted to a reservation/contract.

Not Accepted

Describes a request with a selection that has not been accepted.

Note: this status will only display on the request and will not update inventory statuses.

Converted to Reservation

Describes a request that has resulted in a reservation.

Note: this status will only appear if your project utilizes the Reservations feature.

Converted to Contract

Describes a request that has resulted in a contract.


As a request moves through the pre-contract process, these statuses are automatically updated as the request meets the status conditions; for example, accepting a request triggers the status to change from Submitted to Accepted.

To customize the status to match your terminology, click into the text box with the status name and type your desired name. You can also customize the color associated with each request status by clicking the down arrow to the right of the rating and using the color picker to select a new color.

When you have made the desired updates to your Request Statuses, click Update to save your changes.


Note: With the exception of the Not Accepted status, each of the statuses above can also automatically modify inventory statuses when a request is made. To customize these statuses, go to Settings → Inventory and navigate to the Statuses tab or see Inventory Settings for more information.


The following settings are also available on the Requests tab:


Setting Description
Inventory Status Updates

Turn this setting on to automatically update Inventory Statuses based on the associated Request Status. If not checked, this status remains off and the Inventory Statuses will not be updated when a request is submitted or moves through the pre-contract process.

Multiple Accepted Selections

Turn this setting on to allow multiple accepted selections on an inventory unit. If not checked, once a selection for a unit has been accepted, all other requests for the same unit will automatically be updated to the “Not Accepted” status.

Note: This only affects selections on specific units; it does not affect selections on floorplans.

Decline Selections

Turn this setting on to automatically decline additional selections on a request once one selection has been accepted. If this setting is enabled, these declined selections will automatically be updated to the “Not Accepted” status.