Sending Disclosure/Amendment Files From a Contract


To mass-send disclosure/amendment files (for example, if you have just filed an amendment and wish to send it to all current purchasers), see Disclosure & Amendments - Statistics & Mass-Sending.

To send disclosure/amendment files only to contacts associated with a particular contract (for example, if you are writing a new contract and want to send the files to the prospects and their agent), begin by navigating to the appropriate contract page.

If the disclosure/amendment files for the contract have not yet been generated, a banner at the top of the page will prompt you to do so. Click Generate or scroll down to the Disclosure & Amendments section and click Generate there.




Once the files have generated (you may need to refresh the page to reflect their most up-to-date status), scroll down to the Disclosure & Amendments section and click Send Documents. Use the toggles to select the purchaser’s agent or legal representative if these contacts should also receive a copy. When all recipients have been selected, click Send Now. Selected recipients will receive an email directing them to their personal portal, where they can view all of the generated disclosure/amendment documents.

Recipients should use the navigation pane on the left side of the portal to view each document.

The Disclosure & Amendments section also tracks receipt of disclosure/amendment files so you can see that the files were sent, received, opened, and viewed by each purchaser.



Watch the Video Tutorial!