Stacking Plan

The stacking plan is a dynamic visual representation of your project that can be filtered to highlight specific inventory, display important information and be emailed to stakeholders.

To find the Stacking plan, go to Menu → Inventory → Stacking Plan.

Applying Filters & Display Options to the Stacking Plan

As with most listview pages, you can apply filters to your Stacking Plan by using the sidebar on the left. Available filter categories include building, statuses, pricing, area, unit details, options and upgrades, and more. Select at least one criterion and click Filter to apply your selection(s). For example, if you would like to view all available two bedroom homes, select “Available” in the Status section and “2” from the Unit Details → Bedrooms section. This will fade all but the targeted homes, which will remain fully displayed.


You can also apply a number of display options to customize your stacking plan view. By default, the unit number and status are displayed for each unit. If you would like to see additional information, click the column toggle to view a list of available fields. Use the checkboxes to select your desired information and click Save to display this information on the stacking plan.


Note: Similar to lists, the information you save here will be remembered for the next time you view the Stacking Plan. Any applied filters will not be saved for your next viewing session.


The Display Options Menu allows you to further customize certain visual aspects of the Sacking Plan such as density and alignment. Click Display to view the menu and then use the toggles to select your desired density and alignment. You can also hide the labels, desaturate to view the stacking plan in greyscale, and view the plan by order of exposure instead of numerically by unit number.


The Display Options Menu also allows you to view the stacking plan with a heat map overlay to help make the popularity of certain units or floor plans more visible. The heat map displays interest based on the number of contacts marked as interested for a unit/floorplan relative to the total number of interested contacts. Click Display and then toggle the heat map on by either unit interest or floorplan interest.


Note: The heat map requires that interest be recorded for either floorplans or specific units. To learn more about recording interest, see our knowledge base article, Contact Profile.



Emailing the Stacking Plan

If you would like to email a PDF of the Stacking Plan, apply any desired display options then click the paper airplane icon at the top right of the page. Enter the email recipients, add any notes as required and choose the desired PDF style, then click Send.