Users with administrator privileges can manage team members and define role permissions in the Team Settings section.
To modify team settings, go to Settings → Team. There are three tabs in this section: Team Members, Roles and Standardized Fields.
Team Members
Add, edit or remove team members and manage the auto assignment roster on the Team Members tab.
Adding Team Members to a Project
To add a team member to a project, go to Settings → Team and navigate to the Team Members tab. At the top right of the page, there is an Add New User icon and, if there are users on the company level that are not associated with the project, an Add Existing User button.
Click the Add New User icon to add a new user and complete the following fields as appropriate:
Field Name | Description |
First Name |
The team member’s first name. This field is mandatory. |
Last Name |
The team member’s last name. |
The email address that should be associated with the team member’s login credentials. This field is mandatory. |
Phone |
The team member’s phone number. |
Time Zone |
The time zone in which the team member is located. This field is important to complete as interactions and other actions within Spark are tagged with the user’s time zone, which impacts reporting. |
Role |
The role that should be assigned to the team member on the project level. This is independent from their company-level role and can be different. For more information about user roles and permissions, see Roles. |
Brokerage |
If relevant for your project and/or the user, their brokerage. |
License Number |
If relevant for your project and/or the user, their license number. |
License Expiry |
If relevant for your project and/or the user, their license expiry. |
Additional Fields |
Any other additional information relevant to the user that should be stored within Spark. |
Once the required information has been entered, click Create.
This will send an email to the new user with instructions on how to confirm their account. It is best practice to follow up with the user to ensure they received the email (which may sometimes go to their Spam folder) and that they confirm their account without delay.
If the team member already exists on the company level (either because they were created there or are associated with other projects within the company), click Add Existing User instead. Select the team member from the dropdown list and choose the appropriate role, then click Add.
Editing a Team Member
To edit a team member’s role, brokerage, license number, license expiry or additional fields, either click on the team member and then click Edit at the top of the page, or click the micromenu to the right of the team member and click Edit. When you are done, click Update to save the changes.
Removing Team Members from a Project
To remove a team member from a project, go to Settings → Team and navigate to the Team Members tab. Click on the team member, then click the Remove button at the bottom of the page. This will remove the team member from the project, but they will remain a user on the company level and will retain access to any other projects they are associated with.
Adding & Removing Team Members to the Auto Assignment Rotation
To add one or more team members to the auto assignment rotation so that incoming registrants are automatically distributed to the selected team members, go to Settings → Team and navigate to the Team Members tab. Use the checkboxes to the left of the team member names to select the appropriate team members, then click the Auto Assignment mass action button. Ensure Yes is selected in the dropdown list, then click Assign.
To remove team members from the auto assignment rotation, follow the instructions above, but select No from the dropdown list and click Assign to save the change.
To modify the permission levels associated with each role, to create a new role or to remove an existing role, go to Settings → Team and navigate to the Roles tab.
To edit a role, either click on the role or click the micromenu to its right and select Edit. Click on the role’s name to edit it, select the arrow to its right to change its color or use the checkboxes to select the role permission. When you are done, click Update role to save the changes.
To make a new role, click + New Role at the bottom of the page, fill in the name, choose a color and select the appropriate role permission. Click Add new role to save the new role.
To remove a role, click the micromenu to its right and select Remove. Note that roles associated with users cannot be removed. Only roles that do not have assigned users may be removed.
Standardized Fields
If there is additional team member information that should be recorded within your project and included in project exports or mapped to contract templates, create a standardized team member field by navigating to Settings → Team and selecting the Standardized Fields tab. Enter the field name and click Save changes. This field will appear on team member forms going forward, much like the one-off Additional Field option.
Watch the Video Tutorial!