Unit Details

The unit details page displays all the information associated with that unit, organized into widgets for easy reference. View unit status, specifications, active contracts, floor plan, inventory-linked options and upgrades, color schemes and more.

Click on a unit (for example, on the Inventory List or Inventory Advanced Search pages) to open its details page. 

The unit number, status and specifications are displayed at the top of the page with the following sections beneath:


Section Description

Present only if your project has Request Forms enabled. Displays information pertaining to any requests that have been submitted for the inventory.


Active Contracts

Displays information about any active contracts associated with the unit. Click on the contract to view the contract detail page.



Displays the floorplan associated with the inventory. Click on the floorplan name to view a PDF copy of the plan, if one has been uploaded.


Options & Upgrades

Displays any options and upgrades that have been associated with the inventory. Options and upgrades associated with a contract will not be displayed in this section. To add options and upgrades to the inventory, click the Manage button at the top right of the widget, select the desired upgrades from the dropdown list and click Update Options & Upgrades

Note: options and upgrades associated with inventory will be carried over when the unit converts to a contract.


Color Schemes

Displays any color schemes that have been associated with the inventory. Color schemes associated with a contract will not be displayed in this section. To add color schemes to the inventory, click the Manage button at the top right of the widget, select the desired scheme from the dropdown list, and click Update Color Schemes. Note: color schemes associated with inventory will be carried over when the unit converts to a contract.


Parking Stalls

Present only if your project uses the Parking & Storage Management feature. Displays information pertaining to any stalls allocated to the inventory.



Present only if your project uses the Parking & Storage Management feature. Displays information pertaining to any stalls allocated to the inventory.



Displays people who have been assigned to the unit, either as interested parties, as purchasers or as team members. To assign a contact to a unit, click the + People button. Enter the contact or agent you wish to assign as an interested party or the team member you wish to assign to the unit and click Update

Note: contacts are automatically added to inventory when their contract becomes firm.



Displays any notes that have been made about the unit. 

Note: other notes, such as those made about a contact or a contract will not appear in this section. 

To add a new note about the inventory, click the + Note button, type the note, and click Post when done.


Rescissions Present only if there are rescinded contracts for the unit. If present, displays the reason for and date of the rescission. Click on the rescinded unit to learn more. 



Editing a Unit

To edit a unit, click the micromenu at the top right of the unit detail page and select Edit



Make the required changes to the inventory status, general information, floorplan, dates, parking and storage etc. and click Update.



Watch the Video Tutorial!